Saturday 28 August 2010

Summers over,....

Yesterday, it was my first day of school. And already I'm used to it. That just made me realise how easy it is to slip in into old habbits; waiting for the weekend etc.,
It's really sad,because one of my best friends - Veronica - had to move schools, but hopefully we will visit each other quite often. Instead of Veronica, now we have this new girl called Jamaica, she's from Phillipines (if that's how you spell it) and she kinda looks like V :)
I'm really not looking forward to Monday, because I have no idea what to do at lunch. Since I'm the only one who still remains best friends with my friends from first year.......
It's really upseting to see our group fall apart so quickly, and now I really don't know who to hang out with; Laura and the weird kids who think they're popular, or Hannah and the fashion girls whom I really feel like I belong with, since I am obssessed with fashion and models and stuff. But the only problem is that they're all in the same class and they keep talking about people I don't know about. On the other hand they're really nice. Me and Katie (the girl who's friends with Hannah) went over to Hannah's yesterday, and I was really surprised about how it turned out; Katie was really nice to me, and she's probably like the nicest person ever.
Also I feel like I can't just leave Jamaica out since she's new and has no friends at this school yet, so I'll probably have to hang out with her...

There's also another thing that happened during this summer; my mum gave birth.
So right now I have three little brothers. And I can't believe that my life turned out like this I mean really. After 13 years of being the only child you suddenly get two brothers from your dad, and one from your mum. I don't even know whether I should be happy about this... I mean if I was the person that loves kids to death and loves playing with them I would be the happiest person ever. But since I'm not my feeelings are kinda mixed.

Ughh. The only good thing about this week, is that me and laura are going shopping today :D and hopefully it's going to be loads of fun......